5 tips for working remotely

Thanks to high-speed fibre connectivity, instant messaging apps and video conferencing tools, an increasing number of workplaces are giving employees the option of working remotely. And now, as the world faces the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic – and experts recommend social distancing to ‘flatten the curve’ – working remotely is more relevant (and perhaps essential) than ever before. If you’re new to working from home, here are a few tips to help you get started.
1. Make the connection
First things first, make sure you have fast and reliable internet access at home. And if you need to connect to any systems or services at work, set this up and iron out any issues as soon as possible.
2. Create a comfortable workspace
Set up a workspace with a comfy chair and desk – even if that’s just in a corner of your lounge – and try to make it as ergonomic as possible. If you’re on a laptop, consider using a second screen set to the right height as well as an external mouse and keyboard for ease of use.
3. Get up, get dressed
Staying in your pyjamas all day might sound like the dream, but it really does start to get old after the first few days. So, try to stay as close to your normal routine as possible – get up early and get dressed, as it helps get you into the right headspace for the working day.
4. Communicate regularly
Communication is especially important when you’re working away from the office. Stay in regular contact with relevant colleagues, be available for online meetings, send regular progress reports, and reply to emails timeously. And if you usually have daily team catch ups, make use of video conferencing tools to stay in touch.
5. Take regular breaks
When you work remotely, work and home life tends to overlap. It’s important to have defined boundaries in place, so set yourself a schedule with working hours and remember to take regular breaks, including a lunch break, just like you would if you were in the office. Given the COVID-19 crisis, you’ll probably want to stay close to home, but it’s still important to have a change of scenery – so take the dog for a walk, have your lunch in the garden or just spend some time relaxing away from your desk.