Port Elizabeth offers excellent schooling

PE parents have plenty of options when it comes to securing a high-quality education for their children. Here’s a brief look at some of the Friendly City’s top schools.
Theodor Herzl
14th Avenue, Walmer
Founded in 1959 by members of PE’s Jewish community, Theodor Herzl is an independent and co-educational institution encompassing a pre-primary, primary and high school. The school’s website mentions that it has a largely multi-cultural community while still retaining its Jewish heritage and flavour. For more info: theodorherzl.co.za.
Grey High School
College Drive, Mill Park
One of the oldest schools in South Africa, Grey High School is well known for academic and sporting achievement. According to its vision statement, “Grey remains as one of the leading schools in the country, with a culture and value system that support its fine heritage.” For more info: greyhighschool.com.
Curro Westbrook
1 Burchell Rd, Westbrook Estate
Situated in the brand new suburb of Westbrook, Curro Westbrook currently accommodates learners from three months of age through to Grade 9, with higher grades phasing in annually. Curro states that its ethos is “governed by Christian values, where learners are encouraged to explore and express their individuality within acceptable boundaries, and ultimately take responsibility for their actions.” For more info: curro.co.za.
Alexander Road High School
9 Alexander Road, Newton Park
Established in 1955, Alexander Road High School is a co-educational school which caters for Grades 8 to 12. Its vision statement affirms that ‘Alex’ is a “happy, stable, caring school where we create a sense of belonging in all our members.” The school also states that it is “committed to maintaining a warm, family identity.” For more info: arhs.co.za.
Collegiate Girls’ High School
Kestell Street, Parsons Hill
Facta non Verba (Deeds not Words) is the motto of Collegiate Girl’s High School, which celebrates its 146th birthday this year. And this motto is reflected in the words of its principal, Mrs M Bagshaw, who says that “Collegiate continues to build on the past whilst planning for the future, always moving forward, never standing still.” For more info: collegiatehigh.co.za