Successfully managing the change ahead

With Lockdown Level 4 now in effect, life is once again changing for South Africans. Come Monday, many of us will return to work as lockdown restrictions ease (slightly) in order to open the economy again. As you tackle yet another new normal this year, and adjust to changing lockdown levels over the next few weeks and months, try to bear the following in mind…
Take it one day at a time
It’s important to remember that all change – even good change – brings challenges, so expect to have good and bad days as you settle into your adjusted routine. Remember too, that it’s tough learning to live with uncertainty so, as you navigate life in Level 4, try to take it slowly. No-one knows what tomorrow holds, let alone what life will look like three months from now, so let your expectations go and simply take things one day at a time. And don’t forget to…
Be kind to yourself
Just as you were starting to find your daily rhythm in lockdown, it’s time to change things up. Again. What’s more, after weeks of being told to stay home to avoid infection, you’re now expected to head out into a brave new world. It’s entirely normal to feel anxious, even scared, so be gracious with yourself – this is new territory for all of us and it will take time to adjust. Lean on your family and friends when you need emotional support and don’t be afraid to chat to your GP or a healthcare professional if you need advice.
Up your endorphins
Among its many benefits, regular exercise has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and improve sleep. And with outdoor exercise back on the table, now’s the time to resume your fitness routine or get one up and running. If you’re a Westbrook resident, the good news is that our 5km running and cycle track is once again open, providing the perfect space for you to exercise, enjoy some fresh air and take in the scenic surroundings.Just bear in mind that lockdown regulations only permit you to run, walk or cycle between 6am and 9am and you must remain within a 5km radius of your home. Remember too that you may not exercise in groups.
Stay safe out there
Safety should be your top priority if you’re heading back to the office. It’s now mandatory to wear a mask in public, so make sure you have one on before you leave the house, always pack a spare and follow these mask safety recommendations from the World Health Organization:
- Before putting on your mask, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
- Cover your mouth and nose with the mask and ensure that there are no gaps between your face and the mask.
- Avoid touching the mask while using it; if you do, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
- Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp and do not re-use single-use masks.
- Remove your mask from behind (do not touch the front of mask); discard immediately in a closed bin; clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
If you’re using a cloth mask, wash it with soap and water (no chemicals) as soon as you get home and then iron it or dry it in the sun. It’s also advisable when returning home to leave your shoes outside and change into clean clothes immediately. And wherever you are during the day, keep practising social distancing and washing your hands regularly to #stopthespread.
If you’re looking for a new family home, why not consider Westbrook? Simply WhatsApp us below and we’ll be in touch with more information.